Event Flyer Image to Calendar Events!
🌟 CaughtUp App v0.14.0 🌟

πŸŽ‰ We're thrilled to announce the release our Images to Events Feature πŸŽ‰

Tired of the mundane event planning routine? CaughtUp is here to revolutionize your social life! Let's dive into the magic of our latest features:


1. Attach Flyers and Images πŸ“· to Events

  • Personalize Your Events: Capture that flashy event flyer or party invite. It's like adding a splash of your personality to your calendar! πŸ“Έ

2. Convert Images to Events: The AI Wizardry πŸ§™

  • Lazy Friend Mode: Too busy (or let's be honest, too lazy) to manually add event details? CaughtUp's got you covered! Snap a screenshot of that Instagram post, attach it, and voilΓ β€”the app deciphers the event name, date, and time for you. Lazy friend? We've got your back! πŸ•Ί
  • Location Made Easy: If the flyer spills the beans on the event location, CaughtUp generates a Google Maps link. No more lost treasure maps! πŸ—ΊοΈ

Real-World Scenarios Using CaughtUp

Example Events Extracted from Flyer

  • Hey, how's it going? I wanted to invite you to join "Cars and Boba Meet πŸš—πŸ§‹" with some friends on Fri, Mar 1 6:30 PM. Event Link
  • 2024-03-03_CarsAndBoba_Event.jpg
  • Hey, how's it going? I wanted to invite you to join "Hokies at Work" with some friends on Tue, Mar 5 5:30 PM. Event Link
  • 2024-03-03_CaughtUp_AddEventImageButton.jpeg 2024-03-03_HokiesAtWorkEvent.jpg

Get CaughtUp Today!

Update your CaughtUp app to v0.14.0 and let the magic unfold. Whether it's Boba meets, networking nights, or family picnics, CaughtUp keeps your social life sailing smoothly.

Blog: 10
March 3, 2024
Created by Stephen Tan

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